Paralympic Fund
Paralympic Fund provides the foundation for promoting sports for persons with disabilities and special needs, and for promoting and developing equality in Finnish sport culture.
Donate to parasport
The new Paralympic Fund is a magnificent opportunity to support and benefit the disability and parasport community. The beneficiaries of the fund are persons with disabilities and special needs and the donations benefit the disability and parasport family widely from grass-roots and active lifestyle to elite sport. Paralympic Fund is a long-term fund that will accumulate over time and provide means to enable support and development of equal disability and parasport culture.
WeThe15 Athletes – Amanda Kotaja: A lot can be done for equality through sports
While the Finnish wheelchair racer Amanda Kotaja was preparing for her journey to the Tokyo Paralympic Games, the International Paralympic Committee...
Borenius Contributes to the Establishment of the New Paralympic Fund
Borenius has assisted the Finnish Paralympic Committee with the establishment of the new Paralympic Fund by providing both pro bono legal advisory...
Uusi Paralympiarahasto avaa kaikille väylän tukea paraurheilua ja yhdenvertaista liikuntakulttuuria
Paralympiarahastoon kerätyillä varoilla edistetään liikunta-, näkö- ja kehitysvammaisten sekä elinsiirron saaneiden ja dialyysissa olevien...
Support parasport
The Paralympic Fund founded in 2021 by the Finnish Paralympic Committee is a new way to support Finnish Parasport Family. The Paralympic Fund lives under Suomen Urheilun Tukisäätiö similarly as the Olympic Fund. Donating to the Paralympic Fund will direct your support to specifically benefit the Parasport culture and the persons with disabilities and special needs in their endeavor to excel in sports.